Our Philosphy
Vailo’s management has a strong reputation in the insurance marketplace for achieving fast and fair claims settlements. This will always be a high priority for us to ensure our Brokers and our Insureds receive the highest quality service.
Top professional claims adjusters with case-specific specialized experience will handle and administer all Vailo claims. If you are an independent insurance broker please report the claim as noted below. If you are an Insured, kindly contact your insurance broker so they can report the claim. After the initial claims notification is received, we will confirm receipt and advise the name of the adjusting firm that will be administering the claims process.

Claims Administration
Claims during business hours emailed to:
After Hours and 24/7 Emergency Claims contact Maxwell Claims Services Inc.
Phone: 1-800-658-8668

To report a new claim, please email us at To report an emergency claim during non-business hours please call 1-800-658-8668 and follow the instructions, it is also recommended to follow up with an email to as well.